Life List

Some of these are short-term and some are long-term goals. It started as a 101 in 1001 list, but I’m not really good with time limits. Also, this list is ever changing.*
Bold = In Progress
Strikethrough = Completed
  1. Fall in love, again.
  2. Eat only raw foods for 7 days
  3. Read 30 new books in a year
  4. Get a full body massage
  5. Complete one painting for each of my siblings [3/7]
  6. Complete Project 365: take one photo a day for a year [I did it for an entire month. That’s good enough for me.]
  7. Quit drinking soda for 3 months
  8. Do 100 sit-ups a night for 1 month
  9. Send my secrets to PostSecret
  10. Put 10 secrets in PostSecret books in various libraries/bookstores
  11. Complete the 30 Letters in 30 Days series.
  12. Get a brazilian wax
  13. Go back to school
  14. Throw a pyramid scheme party [i.e. Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Passion Party]
  15. Go fruit picking
  16. Vlog 5 times 
  17. Run a mile without stopping
  18. Watch the Sex and the City TV series
  19. Watch the Friends TV series
  20. Cruise Pacific Coast Highway
  21. Take a trip to San Francisco
  22. Drive down Lombard Street
  23. Take a trip to Canada
  24. Go to Bloggers in Sin City 2011
  25. Write a letter to my future self, seal it, and read it in X amount of years. (Vlogged)
  26. Make a real, physical time capsule.
  27. Go on a cruise
  28. Go skinny dipping
  29. Take a voluntary one week hiatus from technology
  30. Wash my face and brush my teeth every single night for one month
  31. Find out my blood type
  32. Go ice skating on a real pond
  33. Get a fourth tattoo
  34. See a psychic
  35. Go to a strip club
  36. See a burlesque show
  37. Go to a gay bar
  38. Have sex in an airplane
  39. See a play/musical on stage
  40. See a Cirque Du Solei show [Preferably the Beatles’ Love]
  41. Go to BlogHer
  42. Take a picture of myself in two places at once
  43. Go to Mardi Gras
  44. Visit and participate in a nude/topless beach/pool
  45. Travel by train
  46. Go white water rafting
  47. Meet a celebrity. Get proof. [I met Mario Lopez when I was a kid, kinda]
  48. Watch the sunrise and sunset over the ocean
  49. See a professional soccer match
  50. Complete a jump on a snowboard
  51. Take a spontaneous flight
  52. Move to a new city
  53. Dine in the dark
  54. Host a giveaway on my blog
  55. Host a SPONSORED giveaway
  56. Meet a blogger
  57. Get married
  58. Have two babies
  59. Go backpacking through Europe
  60. Visit Rome/Vatican City. Specifically, St. Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, Pantheon, and the Trevi Fountain.
  61. Go skydiving
  62. Bungee jump
  63. Go para-sailing
  64. Ride a zip line
  65. See the Trail of 100 Giants in the Sequoia National Forest
  66. Catch, scale, & cook a fish
  67. Float down to the end of a river
  68. Shoot a bow & arrow
  69. Shoot a gun
  70. Visit every US State [22/51]
  71. Run a 5K
  72. Attend a major religious service for at least four different religions [2/4]
  73. Put my feet in every ocean on the planet [2/4]
  74. Get my Bachelor’s Degree
  75. Get my Master’s Degree
  76. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
  77. Learn how to use Photoshop
  78. Get completely out of debt
  79. Go horseback riding, again.
  80. Jump off a cliff into a body of water
  81. Start a new family tradition (Yearly picture ornament!)
  82. Sit in a hot spring
  83. Go camping at Carpinteria State Beach, again.
  84. Camp in Yosemite National Park
  85. Slide down natural rock water slides
  86. Go on a hike
  87. Visit Wilmington, North Carolina. Specifically, tour the filming locations of Dawson’s Creek and One Tree Hill, EUE Screen Gems Studios, and The Pergola at the Airlie Gardens.
  88. Go to the San Diego Safari Park.
  89. Go to Sea World.
  90. Visit Egypt. Specifically, see the pyramids, the Sphinx, the Nile, etc.
  91. Study abroad
  92. Go to a weekend music festival
  93. See the John Lennon Wall in Prague
  94. See Niagara Falls
  95. Hike to the Hollywood Sign and snap a photo
  96. Go to Harry Potter World at Universal Orlando
  97. See the Grand Ole Opry
  98. Go to the Louvre in Paris, specifically, see the Mona Lisa.
  99. Visit Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland
  100. Go to a concentration camp
  101. See the remains of the Berlin Wall
  102. Learn to play the acoustic guitar
  103. Submit an application to be a contestant on either Big Brother or the Real World
  104. Smoke hookah
  105. Re-learn to surf
  106. Plan a tweetup 
  107. Plan a blogger meet-up
  108. Make a will
  109. See a NASCAR race in person
  110. Buy a new car
  111. Buy a house
  112. Swim underneath a natural waterfall
  113. Take a helicopter ride
  114. Start a compost pile
  115. Make a tent out of sheets, chairs, lights, etc.
  116. Write something in the sky with airplane exhaust (or have it written about me)
  117. Visit Calico Ghost Town and mines
  118. Go to the Carlsbad Caverns in NM, see the Bottomless Pit.

*Last updated: January 3, 2013